Green Tips for Building or Remodeling

Building Today with the Future in Mind

New information, products and technological advances give today’s builders and remodelers a chance to create more energy efficient living environments.

Recycle Materials

You can add some green to your lifestyle, while saving green, by choosing salvaged, secondhand or antique furnishings, doors, trim, fixtures or other items for all or part of your project. You may even be able to salvage lumber and other materials from your own home for reuse when you remodel. Use lumber from cypress sinker logs salvaged from our waterways to add a uniquely Louisiana accent. But steer clear of single-pane windows, old toilets and used appliances. They waste energy or water compared with their newer, more efficient counterparts.

Cool Roofing

New roofing products come in a variety of colors and materials (including ceramic or concrete tiles, metal and synthetic membranes) to reflect more of the sun’s rays and lower roof temperature by up to 100 degrees, cutting your cooling costs.

Free Lighting

Brighten dark hallways, bathrooms and other spaces with tubular skylights. These skylights let in daylight without the excess heat and are relatively easy and affordable to install.

Info Courtesy of U.S. Green Building Council